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These products do not diagnose, treat, or cure diseases, rather they work according to the principles of Asian medicine.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pain in right hip when walking – AEON testimony

18 January 2011  Sandra Coffey wrote:

Hi all, I started using the AEON patch yesterday at 12 noon. I placed the patch on K3, Glutathione on CV6 as I always do, and Energy Enhancer on K1.

I have pain when I walk in my right hip due to an old ligament injury sustained 6 years ago. I used Energy Enhancer because I seem to get more relief from this patch than IceWave. The hip feels very tight and hard to lift if you know what I mean, e.g. getting into a car or putting my leg up on the bath to towel dry the leg. It feels stiff and painful in particular the groin area. The patch combination hasn't been on a full 12 hours as yet but I can truly say the hip and groin were a good deal freer after showering and towelling dry as usual.

Sandra Coffey: Will keep you informed of my progress.

19 January 2011 Hi again. Further report on my experience with the AEON patching and its positive impact on my hip problem.

The pain when moving is still there. I will have to experiment with different placements. BUT I have noticed that I slept a lot better last night and when I woke felt fresh and well rested. I also went to sleep quickly and have not felt tired at all today. This tells me that the calming effect works and I am an uptight type of person and suffer elevated B/P without medication so it will be interesting to see if the patch has a positive result with this. Will keep the reports coming.

20 January 2011 Hi all - quite excited this morning. I said yesterday I would have to experiment with different patch placements. Last night I placed the glutathione patch on my groin and the aeon patch on CV6 below belly button. This morning I am walking a great deal better with minimal pain. Compared to yesterday the result is wonderful.

I have now placed EE patches on B37 on the back of my thighs and am not limping as I have been. Pain not totally gone but the pain I have experienced shooting down the outside of my leg at times seems to have gone.

21 January 2011 Hi again, hope this is not boring you all, but  after 5 days and the amount of improvement I have experienced this product combination is something everyone should be using.

Last night I replaced the Glutathione with the Carnosine patch again on the groin and the AEON patch I placed this time on SP6 inside lower right leg.. This placement choice was of my own making, It’s not a point shown on the leaflet. Now this morning I placed IceWave patches brown on right hip and white on L3 on my right foot.

RESULT!!!! Wonderful!  I had been a bit ignorant saying the Energy Enhancer worked better for me than the IceWave patches, but they did with what we had to work with up to now. This AEON patch has its own unique wonderful working power and the IceWave works very well with it.

Another observation working in the salon on a hot day my legs swell a bit, not today. Very normal. I can get to my feet from a chair without having to stand a bit before walking off. Not stiff. Today I am walking without pain. It’s a funny feeling, hard to explain like all the works in my hip and groin are stretching and moving as though healing and operating as they should.

I used to love walking every morning but since May last year was to painful to even try half a block. If I keep improving over the next 5 days as I have this week I am confident I will be walking as exercise in not to long a time. BRILLIANT PRODUCT COMBINATION.

24 January 2011  WOW!!!!! I have just completed a 35 minute walk. The last 10 mins I put the pressure on. Sweat pouring out of me like a slow racehorse. I haven't been able to do this for eight months.

Yesterday I had Glutathione under belly button again and AEON on K3 inside of right heal and had a very uncomfortable day. Last night I changed Glutathione back to groin and AEON under belly button CV6. Plus had pain patch IceWave brown on hip and white patch on L3. Got up this morning feeling good enough for a walk and that’s what I did.

I am drinking al lot of water, more than usual, but I am a good water drinker. I am taking supplements as I have been doing for the past 7 years. The only change I have adopted is the AEON patch and placement of the glutathione patch.

Proof of my patch application is in the result!!!!!

Thank you DAVID SCHMIDT for this wonderful new AEON patch.  

Sandra Coffey


  1. Excellent blog , I hope this will be wonderful product.
    energy patches.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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