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For medical advice, please consult with your personal licensed health care professional or physician.
These products do not diagnose, treat, or cure diseases, rather they work according to the principles of Asian medicine.

Friday, November 23, 2012

From the Horses Mouth...testimonial

Something happened yesterday, that I had to share with you. A lady, near Victorville, called me about a week ago. She has a 4 year old Quarter Horse gelding, who really needs some help. She said (and I'm quoting), ' that he's a total jerk!! ' Yep, her own words. My thoughts...this guy is in pain! Right I was, she told me that she has a Chiropractor work on him, twice a month, a Massage Therapist twice a week. Apparently, no one could lightly touch his poll, he had to get a double dose of sedation to float his teeth, he wouldn't stand still for grooming, and would deliberately pick fights, if turned out with other horses. I sent her a set of IceWave patches ( for pain ), and an Aeon patch ( reduces stress in the body, and decreases inflammation, in an incredible short amount of time). Told her to put the Aeon directly on the poll ( that took a couple of people to hold him), and the tan IceWave on GB1 (behind the eye) on the left, and the IW white on right. She said ' OMG, he's dropping his head' within 5 sec. Then he lowered his head all the way to the ground, licked and chewed, letting out deep breaths ( releasing endorphins)! She said that she'd NEVER seen this horse act that way! I proceeded to tell her (for checking pain level on his poll), to lay her hand gently on his head, then increase up to 2 lbs of pressure. He didn't even blink! YEAHHH! I was sooo exited! Animals don't lie!